🎙 your audio coaching for today:
🗒 your actions for today:
Step#1: First seek to understand, then to be understood. People don’t want to be overcome, they want to be understood. Seek to do the right thing for the individual, even if this means that they don’t engage in doTERRA.
Step #2: The Ben Franklin Method: Why I would do it, Why I wouldn’t do it
Step #3: 3 THINGS YOU MUST KNOW: Has this person ever considered or thought about doing what you want them to do? What has kept them from doing it before now? What caused them to consider it in the past?
Step #4: Review the ‘Discovering the Concern’ Chart down below on this page
Step #5: Finding key benefits: After finding the key concerns, ask the following question: “You mentioned that you had considered doing this in the past, what caused you to consider it to begin with?”
Step #6: What are the top concerns? Time, Money, MLM, Belief in essential oils?
Understand what their life looks like. They need to know that you really do understand how little time they have.
Do the right thing for THEM. This could mean that they don’t do doTERRA right now.
Follow this sequence:
Share the story of Building a Pipeline vs. Hauling Buckets
“I want you to look five years into the future, if you continue doing what you’re doing now, do you see anything changing?”
“We all have the same amount of time….Not Enough”
“We all have the same 24 hours in our day, what determines our quality of life is the way we prioritize the time we all have.”
“If you don’t find a way to make the time to start building a pipeline, you will NEVER have the time freedom, because life will continue to happen to all of us.”
Understand what their life looks like. They need to know that you really do understand how little money they have.
Be committed to do the right thing for THEM. This could mean that they don’t engage in doTERRA right now.
Follow this sequence:
Share the story of Building a Pipeline vs. Hauling Buckets
“I want you to look five years into the future, if you continue doing what you’re doing now, do you see anything changing?”
“We all have the same amount of money….Not Enough, what determines our quality of life is the way we prioritise the money we do have.
“If you don’t find a way to invest a little money to start building a pipeline, you’ll always be hauling buckets, and will never have the financial freedom to do the things that are important to you.”
Understand why they don’t like network marketing companies. They need to know that you really do how much they dislike MLM’s.
Be committed to do the right thing for THEM. This could mean that they don’t engage in doTERRA right now.
Follow this sequence:
A) Talk about traditional MLM’s
What don’t you like?
Only the people at the top make money.
Overpriced products
Pressuring friends and family
Taking advantage of friends and family
Selling Hype
What do you like?
Building a Pipeline instead of hauling buckets
B) Talk about the difference between most MLM’s and doTERRA
Most MLM’s
Compensation plan is created
Product is found to make compensation plan legal
Company is created
They sell an opportunity
Purchase of products ends when the opportunity is no longer of interest.
Great Company, Great Product
Marketing question… How to market the product?
Conventional: TV, Radio, Mailers, Flyers, Billboards, Online, On Shelf
Unconventional: Taking money that would typically go to conventional marketing and giving it to you and I to teach people how to take care of their family naturally.
“Do you think it is possible to communicate to the public what essential oils can do in any of these conventional marketing
C) Ask the following question:
“You mentioned that you had considered doing this in the past, what caused you to consider it to begin with?”
Share the story of Building a Pipeline vs. Hauling Buckets
“I want you to look five years into the future, if you continue doing what you’re doing now, do you see anything changing?”
“We all have the same amount of money… Not Enough. What determines our quality of life is the way we prioritise the money we do have.”
“If you don’t find a way to invest a little money to start building a pipeline, you’ll always be hauling buckets, and will never have the financial freedom to do the things that are important to you.”
Great Company, Great Product
Marketing question… How to market the product?
Conventional: TV, Radio, Mailers, Flyers, Billboards, Online, On Shelf
Unconventional: Taking money that would typically go to conventional marketing and giving it to you and I to teach people how to take care of their family naturally.
“Do you think it is possible to communicate to the public what essential oils can do in any of these conventional marketing
Understand why they don’t believe in essential oils. They need to know that you are willing to listen to their concerns.
Agree that there are many modern medications that are a blessing.
Let then try a sample or If they have already tried essential oil’s but didn’t have the results they were looking for give them the opportunity to try more.
Set a correct expectation, say:
"Essential oils are similar to medication in this way. When you have an ailment and you go to the doctor and receive a prescription and if you use it and it doesn’t work, you usually don’t think to yourself ‘I’m never going to try medication again because it’s all useless.’ What you think is ‘That medication didn’t work well on my body so I need to go back to the doctor and ask him for something different.’ We have been programmed this way—we understand that medications affect people differently. Essential oils are similar in the fact that each oil is not going to have the exact same effect on every single person. So if you use an oil and don’t get the results you’re looking for, that’s okay, we can try something else. If you’re patient enough with essential oils like you are with medication, we will find something that is safer, cheaper and more effective for you.”
MOST IMPORTANT: Seek to do what is right for the individual even if that means not joining dōTERRA. Relationships are more important.
✏️ Tools available to you:
Memory Jogger
Contact Experience Tracker (spreadsheet version): Follow the instructions to make your own virtual copy.
This tracker will guide you in moving your customer from experience to experience. You will want to look at it every day and let it guide you in who to connect with! Use the memory jogger first to help you build this out.
💡 TIP: Download the Google Sheets app to your phone so you can update this tracker on the go! If you’d prefer to use a printable contact tracker, here you go.
Our team Followup Toolkit

Next Training:
On Day 8, you’re going to learn about the 5 contacts