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Starting your wholesale account is easy!

Follow these simple steps…
👉 Head over to our doTERRA enrolment page by clicking HERE or the 'BEGIN NOW' button at the bottom of this page.
👉 Select your language and country
👉 On the next page clicking the OTG option. Note: if a product does not come up in the OTG Australian warehouse option it means they do not stock it yet so you will have to go back and select NFR U.S. warehouse (they stock everything)
👉 Choose the Wholesale Customer option (unless you’re wanting to do the business - then you would choose the Wellness Advocate option) Both are the same price, but if you want to do the business, My upline and I will mentor you! The Enroller + Sponsor ID box should already be filled for you. But if not - enter 242240 in the box and our name: Living with Essential Oils will appear.
👉 The 'Enroller ID' and 'Sponsor ID' boxes should already be filled in for you if you’ve logged in correctly to our virtual office but if not, enter 242240 in both boxes so we can be sure to help support you. When you verify, it will say Living with Essential Oils.
👉 Fill out your personal details including name, address, billing address, shipping address and remaining contact info.
(You will be asked you to list your ABN number but it is NOT obligatory.  This is for tax purposes only.  You are opening a Wholesale Account and can actually sell the products if you’d like. If you are only opening up a wholesale account for your own personal use, don’t even worry about providing that info.)
👉 Next, you will select your time zone and your own virtual office password so you can log in to your account and indulge yourself anytime you want!
👉 Agree to the basic Terms and Conditions and your Virtual Office User Agreement.
👉  Select your initial order, meaning, your $35 Introductory Essential Oil Packet plus the first products you’d like to choose a-la-carte by typing in the names of the oils or products.  OR – you will pick a STARTER PACK.

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👉  Personally, we think purchasing a STARTER PACK is the best deal.  

  • The most common starter kit is the Home Essentials because you get a FREE diffuser and $120 of savings. 

  • Our recommended starter kit for someone who wants to jump in with a great variety of products is the Nature's Solutions Starter Pack, it comes with 100 product credits (worth $150+) and $100+ of savings. 

  • If you are a business owner or know you want to get in and start your own Essential Oil Business you would choose the Oil Sharing Kit.  

  • As mentioned in Step 9, If you decide to customise your own oils and NOT purchase a kit you’ll need to select the Introductory Packet beneath ‘most popular enrolment kits’. This is a one-off $35 fee (not a kit) I can help you tailor to your order to your needs and have my personal faves as well. 


You can enter any additional products where we've circled the area in your cart and you can view prices and product guides in the other highlighted circle. Once you’ve selected your products click view total in your cart to finalise the order.


👉 Enter credit cards details and check your address is correct and click continue. 


👉  Set up your (optional) Loyalty Rewards. You’ll definitely want to look at this because its going to save you A LOT of money.  You literally get back free product and product credit every month. Don’t worry, we'll teach you about this later but if you're really keen to know now, you can check out the Loyalty Rewards Program HERE.  This is a fabulous opportunity. We're getting back 30% of our order every month in product credit and since you’ll soon be an avid oil user soon, and can enjoy this benefit too.


And that’s it! Sooooo easy!  Step By Step.  You’ve opened your account and your journey into your new holistic life with essential oils.  And you’ll receive a welcome email from us and doTERRA and access to all of our members lounge within 24 hours!


So…If you are interested in getting started immediately, then please click the button below and follow the above instructions.

Begin Now
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If you still feel like you need to know more (and do not already have a Wholesale Account) and would like to schedule a call with us, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions Section or fill out this contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Message Received, thank you! We will be in touch soon!

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The dōTERRA difference 2021 ebook

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